Smooth, polished golden bands with a semi-round cross-section and three diamonds embedded in one band.
Made to custom order.
Please contact us by phone +48 792 793 729 or email: shop@elfjoy.com
Obrączki projektujemy tak żeby przytulały, żeby nie były tylko symbolem, ale też cząstką pięknej miłości. Wszystkie nasze obrączki wykonywane są ręcznie ze złota i kamieni naturalnych, a każdy projekt jest wynikiem rozmów i wspólnych dociekań. Staramy się aby były one jedyne, bliskie sercu, dla bardzo zakochanych. Obrączki wykonujemy na zamówienie. Standardowy czas realizacji wynosi do 21 dni roboczych. W wyjątkowych sytuacjach jesteśmy wstanie go skrócić.
The price provided includes a set of wedding rings made of 14-carat gold, in sizes 12 and 22. The price depend on the individual design, size and width of the rings and the stones used. Get in touch with us phone +48 792 793 729 or by e-mail sklep@elfjoy.com to discuss your perfect wedding ring.
In elfjoy, we like to listen deeply to our inner voices and intuition when it comes to choosing stones. We believe, that the stones are able to seduce us with their inner glow and soul. Therefore, we highly suggest you, to listen to your inner voice, gut feeling, when choosing your perfect elfjoy jewelry. If you’d like to know what your inner voice says, read the meaning of the stones below.
The hardest, most crystalline Diamond is a symbol of durability and perfection. From the Greek "adamantos" meaning indestructible. The stone is said to give courage and willingness to act and strengthens self-confidence.
Each product is carefully and tenderly wrapped including descriptions of the gemstones. Whenever you choose the option “wrap as gift”, we include our seasonal bag with a captivating picture taken by Kasia. We would like to make your elfjoy experience special and relaxing while opening your package, something worth slowing down for and enjoying the moment. This is why, in every elfjoy parcel you will find a lavender-chamomile tea, hand made in our store. Within the layers of vibrant paper, you may also find a sweet treat.
Obrączki projektujemy tak żeby przytulały, żeby nie były tylko symbolem, ale też cząstką pięknej miłości. Wszystkie nasze obrączki wykonywane są ręcznie ze złota i kamieni naturalnych, a każdy projekt jest wynikiem rozmów i wspólnych dociekań. Staramy się aby były one jedyne, bliskie sercu, dla bardzo zakochanych. Obrączki wykonujemy na zamówienie. Standardowy czas realizacji wynosi do 21 dni roboczych. W wyjątkowych sytuacjach jesteśmy wstanie go skrócić.
The price provided includes a set of wedding rings made of 14-carat gold, in sizes 12 and 22. The price depend on the individual design, size and width of the rings and the stones used. Get in touch with us phone +48 792 793 729 or by e-mail sklep@elfjoy.com to discuss your perfect wedding ring.
In elfjoy, we like to listen deeply to our inner voices and intuition when it comes to choosing stones. We believe, that the stones are able to seduce us with their inner glow and soul. Therefore, we highly suggest you, to listen to your inner voice, gut feeling, when choosing your perfect elfjoy jewelry. If you’d like to know what your inner voice says, read the meaning of the stones below.
The hardest, most crystalline Diamond is a symbol of durability and perfection. From the Greek "adamantos" meaning indestructible. The stone is said to give courage and willingness to act and strengthens self-confidence.